poptarts and cupcakes

Saturday, November 11, 2006

my point of view

this morning i woke up, made frances breakfast, put her in the bath, cleaned the kitchen and got her ready for ballet. but not before making my 'cleaning house on saturday morning' playlist. here it is...

'those to come' - the shins
'stay up late' - talking heads
'slip slidin'away' - paul simon
'age of consent' - new order
'fidelity' - regina spektor
'steppin'out' - joe jackson
'dissapear' - INXS
'nakes as we came' - iron & wine
'glass, concrete and stone' - david byrne
'hold on hold on' - neko case
'atlantic city' - bruce springsteen
'all the umbrellas in london' - magnetic fields
'all i need' - air
'landed' - ben folds

what are your house cleaning playlists??

i also captured frances watching herself dancing in front of the mirror. i have a lot of these little videos on my camera and realized that i can now share them with others via youtube. one thing i can't seem to do is rotate the video, which is unfortunate because i always end up turning my camera on its side to get a full length view. so from now on, i wont do that, but in the meantime, here is my first contribution to youtube...


if this link doesn't work, you can cut and paste in your browser or search youtube. the title of the video is 'get down girl' - enjoy!

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

it never hurts to be uplifted

if you missed this last night, try and catch it on the next air date. i meant to go straight to bed and had tivo-ed it earlier in the evening. needless to say, i started watching and couldn't stop.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006


when i would read on someone's blog that they were taking a break from blogging, i always thought 'that's a bit much. i mean, how hard is it to sit down for 10 minutes a day and write something?' until i started to do it. it takes me at least an hour every time i write something and then to find a picture and upload it and edit and on and on, takes a good 35 minutes more. and then there's the content. the theme. sometimes my thoughts write themselves and i can just knock it out. i love when that happens. if i'm not inspired, however, i can't do it. so that's where i've been - hanging out, waiting to get inspired by something. anything. and then tonight, something really cool happened and i immediately wanted to tell the story. so i told the friend who i was on my to see and we talked about it for a while and looked up what it meant. later, after putting frances to bed, i was still thinking about it. that's when i realized i can simply share the stories that happen throughout the day. they don't have to relate back to some life-lesson or anectdote. i can just tell a story... (nearly) exactly how it happened.

frances and i were going to have a short visit with a friend after dinner. it's an amazing night in austin. the moon is so bright that everything seems lit up. and it's perfectly cool, too. sweater only-cool. when we got outside, i noticed it seemed unusually quiet for only being 8 o'clock. i heard this noise in the distance but sort of thought it was frances and sort of thought it was my imagination. and then frances said 'did you hear that? it was an owl.' and i said 'did you make that noise?' and she said 'no.' and i said 'did you?' and she said 'no. i really didn't' and then i heard it in the trees next to my yard. it was so scary and close, i got goosebumps. i knew it really was an owl. snowcone was right! then it flew up into the air circling around some birds before landing on the telephone pole across the street. it looked so solid yet so elegant in the air. and although we could only see the black shadow, you could tell when it was moving its' head around. we went to the balcony upstairs to get a better view. it was so cool to see an owl in real life for the first time, even though i think they are totally creepy and frightening.

i would love to hear about random sightings of weird animals or other oddities that you would like share. anyone???