poptarts and cupcakes

Friday, August 18, 2006

in my mailbox

just a quick post before i head into a 4 hour meeting that i am thrilled beyond words about. i went out for the first time in months last night - somewhat against my will, i might add. there was this, how shall i say, 'lesbian mixer' (and not like some handheld mixer with power tools instead of whisks) but mixer as in 'meet n'greet.' ugh. anyone who knows me knows i hate this stuff. the only thing this had going for it was it started at 7pm and wasn't in a bar. but, my dear friend laurie wanted to go (which, she confessed, she told her recent ex-girlfriend that she was going because i wanted to go. thanks a lot laurie.) the premise is you go, you get a number which corresponds with a mailbox and then people can leave you notes if they want to, um...(clears throat) know you. i hate it. all of it. first of all, i feel/felt embarrassed to be grouped with other women who were 'looking' as i am seriously not. and then you see people who you've been seeing out for years and years and i feel like i have so much bigger of a life than to be at this coffee shop waiting for some token of interest from a room full of, let's just be honest here, less than attractive women. don't get me wrong, there were some attractive women, but i was with them in the first place (in addition to laurie) and that doesn't count. so immediately upon arrival, we ordered a giant glass of sangria (not the best) and then something to nosh on. i probably could not have seemed less interested if i tried as i was quite happy with the goat cheese and fig plate i quickly consumed. anyway, the evening ensued and it wasn't so bad. and upon leaving, laurie went to my box and this is what she found...

'my oh my....you are hot!' - with no name. no number. which is perfectly fine. all it takes is one sweet note to make one feel better. even if it only lasted one night.

(here is a photo of frances in the hospital back in june. i'm too lazy right now to take a new picture)


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